PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
To continue strengthening PMTCT services through the new MCH/CS contract to be awarded soon.
New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity
Continuing Activity: 18431
Continued Associated Activity Information
Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds
System ID System ID
18431 18431.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 8101 8101.08 Strengthen MCH
International Services
Table 3.3.01:
To strengthen health systems through the new MCH/System Strengthening Activity.
Continuing Activity: 18712
18712 18712.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 8101 8101.08 Strengthen MCH
Program Budget Code: 19 - HVMS Management and Staffing
Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $1,486,000
Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0
Program Area Narrative:
19-HVMS Management and Staffing
IMPLEMENTING SFR IN FY09: Planning, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive HIV/AIDS portfolio requires coordinated
undertaking of technically sound activities in response to specific needs expressed by GODR, USG/DR and other stakeholders.
The USG/DR team has structured a staffing pattern with an ideal mix of skill sets to address the management and technical needs
of USG's HIV/AIDS program in the DR.
In FY08, USG/DR established a USG/DR HIV/AIDS Work Group (WG) led by the Chief of Mission with representatives from all
USG agencies operating PEPFAR-funded activities in the DR, including DOD, HHS/CDC, PC and USAID. The WG's mission is to
implement SFR by leveraging interagency resources, strengths and leadership to engage in a coordinated process to jointly plan
agency staffing needs. The WG canvassed member agency program staff to identify each agency's core strengths, then
developed a cross-agency staffing plan (short- and long-term) clearly defining each agency's roles and responsibilities. This
assures a cohesive, comprehensive and effective USG HIV/AIDS program in the DR that identifies gaps and minimizes
duplication of expertise among member agencies. The WG meets regularly to ensure interagency coordination on program
planning, activity development and M&E and to coordinate with GODR, partners and other stakeholders. Meetings are also used
to plan and develop joint portfolio reviews, interagency partner monitoring and joint setting of annual priorities and budgets. All
USG/DR agencies participated in a right-sizing exercise in FY08 to inform planning for a new Embassy compound.
OGAC/DR's Core Team Lead position has been vacant since September 2008 resulting in the USG/DR in-country team taking a
more proactive approach in communications among HQ agencies and OGAC. As USG/DR moves forward with Compact
development, we will continue to monitor our staffing matrix and responsibilities to assure that our management and staffing
(M&S) plan is commensurate with workload.
CURRENT STAFFING PATTERN: The Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP) supports the program on
behalf of the Office of the Command Surgeon, United States Southern Command. The U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group
(MAAG) and DHAPP provide quality assurance and supportive supervision for in-country activities. An in-country DOD program
manager position will be supported to provide program management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of all FFAA HIV
activities. Funding of $60,000 will also support DOD technical assistance, program manager travel, training and equipment costs .
HHS/CDC/GAP (CDC) contributes technical assistance and services to all laboratory and strategic information system activities.
CDC is in the process of establishing a new agency presence in the DR, including opening an office. In FY09 CDC will fill two
USDH vacancies, Chief of Party and Deputy Director, to provide in-country leadership and program management. Additional staff
positions will include two professional locally-employed staff (HIV/AIDS Laboratory Director and Strategic Information Advisor),
one administrative assistant, one IT specialist and one driver. All positions are designated permanent, with 100% time on
HIV/AIDS and are fully PEPFAR funded. CDC also anticipates providing M&E consultant services as needed to augment USAID's
M&E staffing plan.
CDC currently has a technical advisor on TDY in DR working with the Laboratory Technical Working Group at MoH. This position
supports PEPFAR at 100% effort for six months in FY09 or until the CDC Director and Deputy Director positions are filled.
Additional support from CDC/GAP HQ includes an Acting Deputy Director from Atlanta to coordinate with Embassy on
administrative functions, personnel actions and setting up an office. This support will continue until a permanent, full-time Deputy
Director is hired in-country. Funding for the Acting Deputy Director is provided by HHS/CDC/GAP HOP.
To date, Peace Corps Dominican Republic (PCDR) has focused its PEPFAR funding on direct programs in volunteer
communities; as their PEPFAR contribution grows, it has become necessary to have at least one staff member fully dedicated to
support PEPFAR activities. The Associate Peace Corps Directors (APCD) provide direction and leadership to the PEPFAR
program and ensure volunteers' prevention messages are in accordance with PEPFAR best practices. The Programming and
Training Officer is responsible for relationships with other USG agencies and for oversight/execution of country plan
implementation. Program Assistants provide day-to-day liaison with volunteers at project sites, ensure materials/logistics are
provided in a timely manner, and that all obligations and payments are made. PCDR positions supporting PEPFAR at least 10%
of the time but not funded by PEPFAR include: Associate Peace Corps Director (Health) 25%, Associate Peace Corps Director
(Youth) 25%, Programming and Training Officer 10%, Program Assistant (Health/Environment) 20%, Program Assistant
(Youth/Business) 10%, Administrative Officer 15%. Although the PCDR PEPFAR budget does not include management or staffing
personnel expenses, 15% of the program activity budget has been allocated to M&S to cover overhead expenses as per OGAC
USAID has a lead role in coordinating USG HIV/AIDS activities with GODR and other non-USG stakeholders. USAID is highly
invested in prevention, treatment and care interventions across all program areas; therefore all staff are included in the M&S
budget. USAID/DR mission staff supporting PEPFAR includes the Health Team Leader (HTL) and Health Team technical staff. A
PEPFAR Coordinator was hired in FY08 with USAID funds. A Program Assistant position has also been filled to provide
administrative support with 50% of her time devoted to HIV/AIDS activities.
The HTL is a USDH responsible for the entire USAID/DR health portfolio, including HIV/AIDS. She dedicates approximately 30%
of her time to HIV/AIDS activities, including leadership and supervision of the HIV/AIDS core and expanded team and
representation of USAID in the HIV/AIDS-GF Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) and the International Donors Committee.
The HTL also serves as interlocutor with senior-level GODR officials and multi-national donors. She is responsible for developing
and implementing the Mission's strategic plan and country work plans on HIV/AIDS. She also oversees integration of HIV/AIDS
activities into the Mission's other technical programs, including maternal and child health, democracy and governance, education
and economic growth. The HTL position is funded with USAID operating expenses and is not PEPFAR-funded.
The HIV/AIDS and TB Project Manager is a senior LES responsible for coordinating the Mission's HIV/AIDS/TB activities,
assisting with preparing strategic and country work plans, and day-to-day coordination of HIV/AIDS/TB activities with GODR,
NGOs, donors and other stakeholders. The HIV/AIDS/TB Project Manager devotes 75% of her time to HIV/AIDS and 25% to the
Mission's tuberculosis activities.
The LES Health Reform Specialist, Technical Advisor/Program Manager dedicates 25% of her time to managing HIV/AIDS
projects within the USAID/DR health reform/systems strengthening portfolio. Activities include strengthening quality health care
services, ensuring appropriate financing and services for HIV/AIDS and other diseases, integrating HIV/AIDS services into health
sector reform, and channeling funds to NGOs for HIV/AIDS activities.
In addition to these positions, USAID/DR PEPFAR staffing includes other office positions in the mission. The LES Financial
Analyst spends 50% of her time on HIV/AIDS budgeting and financing. The LES Acquisition and Assistance Specialist spends
50% of her time on procurement activities related to HIV/AIDS funding and the principal A&A instruments corresponding to
HIV/AIDS. The LES Program Development Specialist spends 50% of his time working closely with the HPT on HIV/AIDS,
providing program assistance to the health portfolio and ensuring activities are in accordance with USAID and PEPFAR program
rules, regulations and guidelines. A LES USAID driver provides transportation services within town and for travel to field sites
using 50% of his time on HIV/AIDS.
NEW POSITIONS during FY09 include a DOD HIV/AIDS Program Field Project Manager to be locally hired with M&S program
funds to provide in-country management of DOD's DR HIV/AIDS program and to assist DAF to develop and execute an HIV/AIDS
prevention program. S/he will liaise between the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), the DAF, and the USG/DR
HIV/AIDS WG, and with other HIV/AIDS donor agencies and organizations. S/he will assist in developing and implementing DOD-
sponsored HIV/AIDS programs in the DAF, establish an M&E system for program activities and prepare written technical reports
HHS/CDC/Global AIDS Program (GAP) Chief of Party will be the principal management and administrative representative for all
HHS/CDC DR program activities and functions as Country Director for GAP in-country activities. S/he manages multifaceted
programs and issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS surveillance, laboratory, research, development and evaluations in the DR; serves as
the recognized epidemiology expert for CDC activities in the DR with responsibility for developing policy and objectives,
appraising programs and initiating requirements for epidemiological studies; works with all USG agencies to support the Mission.
With the USG/DR and GODR, establishes comprehensive, realistic policies and procedures to govern the program; develops long
- and short-term program objectives; actively participates and influences outcomes with HHS/CDC, Ministers of Health and NGOs
in formulating HIV/AIDS policies and procedures. S/he will work on all program areas where HHS/CDC is involved.
CDC/GAP HIV/AIDS Deputy Director will be Associate Director for Management and Operations and in the absence of the
Country Director functions as the principal management and administrative representative for all HHS/CDC/GAP DR program
activities; manages administrative/operational support for CDC/DR activities and its HIV/AIDS programs. Responsibilities include
administrative program management, planning and evaluation, formulating and implementing policy and guidelines, managing
resources, property, cooperative agreements, contracts, memorandums of agreement and procurement activities. Closely
monitors and controls administrative and budget operations and works with all USG agencies to assure cost effectiveness and
compliance with policies and requirements. The Deputy Director will work across all CDC program areas.
The Senior Laboratory Program Advisor, funded by HLAB program money, will provide expert scientific and technical laboratory
support to the USG/DR country team; guide policy and programs affecting the establishment and provision of public health and
clinical laboratory services to support the PEPFAR-supported prevention, surveillance, treatment, and care programs in the DR;
provide TA on laboratory systems analysis and developmental planning, operational research, and laboratory quality assurance;
identifies/develops appropriate infrastructure and resources necessary to support local laboratory systems, evaluates laboratory
programs and services, provides leadership in developing scientific policy on laboratory practice for services and systems for HIV
prevention, surveillance, treatment, and care; and establishes an M&E system for laboratory services.
The Strategic Information Coordinator will be funded by HVSI program money and will oversee CDC's DR SI activities; plans,
coordinates, monitors and evaluates project activities; assists GODR to develop and enhance the HIV/AIDS strategic information
system and its use for decision-making, focusing on quality surveillance information, M&E, health management information
systems and laboratory capacity; provides in-country management assistance to GODR for PEPFAR-supported initiatives;
represents CDC on USG/DR's PEPFAR team; monitors CDC/DR's country budget; provides technical assistance for special
studies; and supports improvement of the PMTCT M&E program.
CDC/GAP HIV/AIDS Program Administrative Assistant will be locally hired to manage the office operating logistics; answer
telephones; copy documents; collect and distribute mail; manage technical staff schedules; coordinate TDY logistics and driver's
schedule, and handle small meeting logistics.
CDC/GAP HIV/AIDS Program Driver will be locally hired to maintain and operate the CDC vehicle.
CDC has subscribed to ICASS in FY09 for all these positions and they will be counted in the ICASS cost centers. Because
HIV/AIDS program activities in support of PEPFAR require extensive coordination and continuity with host nation officials, only
one US direct-hire position will be physically located at the Embassy. CDC is coordinating with the Mission RSO and Management
Officer to assure exempt facilities excluded from co-location are in compliance with DOS regulations.
USAID's HIV/AIDS M&E Specialist will be locally hired with M&S funds to monitor and evaluate all USAID/DR HIV/AIDS activities
following PEPFAR M&E and reporting requirements. S/he will gather and maintain information on the status and trends of the
HIV/AIDS epidemic, assist GODR/MOH and contractors in reporting the results of USG-funded activities, ensure
recommendations are integrated into partners' M&E plans. S/he will report to USAID/DR's HTL and work closely with USAID's
activities manager for HIV/AIDS/TB and be responsible for USG HIV/AIDS reporting as required by PEPFAR.
PCDR will hire a full-time, PEPFAR-funded HIV/AIDS Program Coordinator who will be responsible for developing the yearly
PCDR PEPFAR Implementation Plan (IP); monitor and report on progress and outcomes of program implementation according to
the approved IP to PC/DR, Peace Corps Office of AIDS relief, DR PEPFAR WG, OGAC and others; maintain communication with
Center for Applied Research specialists on best practices for inclusion in PC/DR's program; recommend appropriate actions to
Country Director on PEPFAR-related actions in the field; advise other PC/DR senior staff on programming and training; liaise with
other organizations by forming/ maintaining strong and productive working relationships; represent PCDR at USG/DR PEPFAR
meetings and technical working groups; assist volunteers to develop and review volunteers grant proposals requiring PEPFAR
funds; and serve as a full member of the PCDR Grants Committee.
Table 3.3.19: